Although most people pay attention to their diet in the morning, they are more prone to make a mistake with their final meal of the day, which could have severe effects. What you eat for supper may have a significant influence on your health if you suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, fatty liver, or high cholesterol. In your quest for wellness, having a light and early dinner rather than a large and late one may work wonders in managing your weight, blood sugar, and other chronic illnesses. Moreover, you may make the most of dinnertime by adhering to the mindful eating guidelines, which include chewing food carefully, enjoying it with your family, and sitting comfortably. Taking a walk after dinner will help ensure that your food is fully digested and will also help you get ready for bed.
Eating meals at the incorrect time is one key lifestyle aspect that affects our metabolic system. One of the key metabolic components of the human body is the liver. It aids in the synthesis of glucose or the storage of glycogen and closely synchronises with the circadian cycle of the body clock. The liver produces glucose by breaking down molecules and builds up the chemicals that have been digested to generate glycogen storage. The proper functioning of the liver is supported by eating meals at the appropriate time. The digestive system functions more effectively when dinner is eaten early in the evening, when the body's internal clock shifts to a new metabolic phase, according to Dr. Karthiyayini Mahadevan, M.B.B.S., DNB., PGDDN (Developmental Neurology), Head of Wellness and Wellbeing at Columbia Pacific Communities.
Benefits of eating dinner on time for your health
Fatty liver is one of the most prevalent liver conditions that are associated with modern living. Therefore, eating dinner early before the sun sets has the following advantages:
- Effective digestive function.
- Effective function of the liver in detoxification.
- Effective bowel movement and evacuation.
- Adequate transit time for the gut flora to get nourished.
beneficial dinner habits for health
- Eating dinner before the sun sets, ideally before 7 p.m.: Both current research and conventional knowledge concur that eating dinner early can improve your metabolism and digestion. It ensures that the body doesn't have to exert itself excessively when you sleep and that you have time to unwind and regenerate.
- Steer clear of fried and oily foods at dinnertime: Dinner should be a light, digestible meal. Because the liver is in the anabolic phase, which is storing glycogen, there is less bile produced during dinner, which makes fat harder to digest.
- Stay hydrated: Warm soups with dinner can assist facilitate digestion and support the health of the gut flora when ingested with vegetables high in fibre.
- Avoid animal protein in dinner meals: Since the liver is still in the building-up phase, it will not be able to support the digestion of animal protein efficiently. This may result in partially digested protein remaining in the stomach, which will impact the good gut flora when it putrefies.
- Consuming millet-based food at dinner: Recipes made with millet are high in fibre and micronutrients, which will support the health of the gut flora. Better mental wellness and restful sleep will result from this as well.
- Eating mindfully at all times, but especially during dinner: After a busy day, a healthy, light dinner is the ideal way to decompress. With thankfulness for the day, it will assist in shutting down the metabolic system.
Years are added to life by eating thoughtfully at the appropriate time, quantity, and quality.