Presidential Medal Of Freedom: Messi, George Soros To Receive America's Highest Civilian Honour

US Pre­sident Joe Bide­n Tues­day re­leased the list of this year's recip­i­ents of the Pre­sid­en­tial Medal of Free­dom, the high­est civil­i­an hon­our awarded by the Unit­ed States. Among 19 recip­i­ents were for­mer US Sec­re­tary of State Hill­a­ry Clin­ton, Ar­gen­tine foot­ball leg­end Lionel Mes­si and Hun­gari­an-Amer­i­can bil­lion­aire phi­lan­thropist George Soros. The award will be held this Saturday afternoon according to US time at the White House. The President applauded saying that they have been contributing highly towards their respective sectors in advancing not only America's interest but peace across the world.

George Soros: Billionaire Champion of Democracy

Some of the most recognized people who received it include George Soros, a well-known business, investor, and philanthropist. Soros, one of the world's wealthiest individuals, is one of the most influential philanthropists around the globe. Soros has made efforts in the democratic movement and transparency, besides freedom of speech, in over 70 countries with his Open Society Foundations. It also leads protection of human rights globally.

Soros has been among the loud voices for progressive policies and some of his key leaders have been Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden. Nor was he ever afraid to talk out against such influential leaders, like the previous US President Donald Trump, Chinese President Xi Jinping, or the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

In 2023, the billionaire was in the news because of his reaction to the Adani Group controversy due to the allegations of stock manipulation by the American investment research firm, Hindenburg Research. His words that the incidence might trigger democracy restoration in India were really not taken kindly with the opinion of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and even several other political leaders.

Lionel Messi, Hillary Clinton: Sporting Icon and Politician

Among the newest and most recent additions to the hall of football legends and now placed in the tightly restricted lists of Medal of Freedom recipients is Lionel Messi, an Argentine forward whose feats have rewritten the very game itself, turning him into a universal icon of success and resilience.

Hillary Clinton has public service experience going over two decades: she is the former secretary of state and headed the administration in the Obama Administration from 2009-2013. She definitely left her mark through diplomatic leadership; there are indeed human rights and gender equality issues whose say she left on the American politics.

A Salute to Excellence and Impact

The Presidential Medal of Freedom has people whose efforts dramatically shaped the United States and the world at large. The class this year is more diverse but dedication to exceptional in sporting, political, business, or philanthropy has been shown.
This feature will be a testament to the profound ways through which this people impacted the furtherance of progress, unity, and peace throughout the globe.